LIVE ASSISTANCE - Continuing with our ever improving support we thought it neccessary to impliment some sort of faster response time for our customers & what better than Instant live support, this is aimed at dealing with enquiries faster and more efficiently therefore letting our customers get on with their sites instead of playing 'email tennis' until they get a satisfactory response.
NEW FEATURES FOR HOSTING ACCOUNTS - We thought we would let you know about some exciting new features we have added to our Control Panel!
Autoresponder Subjects
You can now have your autoresponders reply with a subject of "Re: 'the original emails subject'". To do this simply leave the subject blank when activating an autoresponder.
Outlook Express Mail Box Creation
Once you have created a mail box in Control Panel you can now instantly install it in Outlook Express with the click of one button. Simply click "Activate in Outlook Express".
phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customisable open-source bulletin board package. phpBB has a user-friendly interface, simple and straightforward administration panel, and helpful FAQ.
Scheduled Tasks
This feature has been totally re-written to give you massive flexibility, you can now select down to the minute when your scheduled tasks should run.